PRIM, S.A., in accordance with current legislation on the Protection of Personal Data, informs you that the personal data that you hereby voluntarily provide, as well as those that you expressly consent to through the signing this document, will be treated under the terms of this Privacy and Data Protection Policy clause and for the purposes expressed herein whenever deemed appropriate, relevant and not excessive in regard to the scope and specific, explicit and legitimate purposes for which said data has been obtained.


In accordance with the foregoing, please see the Information on the Protection of Personal Data which will govern the handling of your data below


  Additional Information
Responsible Party PRIM, S.A., with NIF A 28165587 and with the address at C/ F nº 15, Polígono Industrial 1,28938 Móstoles (Madrid).

Data Protection Officer:

Main purposes Identifying and professional data: The marketing and communication, through any means of communication, including online, of the services and/or products of PRIM, S.A. or marking of any organisation of and/or participation in corporate or scientific medical events in which you participate and/or attend, by using any of your identifying or professional data in the audiovisual material used for these purposes.
Use of your image and/or voice:  If you consent by signing this document, your image in photographs, videos or any other type of digital recordings and/or your voice or that of your representative (if applicable), will be used by PRIM, S.A. for the purpose of preparing audiovisual material for the marketing of its services and/or products or for the organisation of and/or participation in corporate or scientific medical events. This may be through any communication means or informative publications such as catalogues, brochures, social media, videos or on its website.

This authorisation implies the assignment of rights to the images; This assignment is made free of charge, without any financial payment made and with no time limit, as such it is considered as being indefinite. The territorial scope of the assignment of these rights is international, given the responsible party’s online presence. The consent granted will remain in force until expressly revoked. In the event of revocation, the person signing this document will be obliged to compensate for any damages caused by said revocation, under the terms established by law. (Art. 2.3 of Organic Law 1/1982 of 5 May) regarding civil protection of the right to honour personal and family privacy and one’s own image.

Legitimation and date storage The basis for the handling of your data is the consent granted by you upon the signing of this document, if applicable.

Your data will be kept as long as our relationship exists and no request is made for the deletion thereof, and in any case in compliance with the legal limitation periods that are applicable thereto.

The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of the data handling based on previous consent granted before its withdrawal

Data categories Identifiers: Name, surname, image, voice, nicknames on social networks (among others).

Professionals: Position and place of work, positions held at different companies, public positions held, CV, membership of professional organisations or associations (among others).

Recipients of the assigned data There are no plans to transfer any data.

Companies within the PRIM Group (see  for internal administrative purposes only, if applicable.

Rights of interested parties Interested parties may exercise their rights of access, rectification, deletion, portability and limitation or opposition by writing to PRIM, S.A., indicating “the exercising of data protection rights” or contact PRIM via the following e-mail address:
Interested parties have the right to file a claim with the Supervisory Authority (Spanish Data Protection Agency


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