Compliance Unit Organisation and Operation Manual

The Company’s Compliance Unit (CU) was created through the resolution of the Board of Directors on 28 February 2017, with the aim to develop the Group’s compliance strategy and implement the best practices and corporate governance recommendations for the Group in terms of risk control and management, to set up an internal body responsible for monitoring the risk management system and to oversee compliance with the Code of Ethics and the Crime Prevention Plan. At the time of its creation, this body was expressly entrusted to undertake it functions with the powers of autonomous initiative and control, under the supervision of the Audit Committee.

The purpose of this Compliance Unit Organisation and Operation Manual is to regulate the organisation and the tasks of the Compliance Unit assigned to it by PRIM, and it was approved by the PRIM, S.A. Board of Directors of on 28 September 2021.

Compliance Unit Manual

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