PRIM earns 51% more in 2023, up to 12.6 million, and raises shareholder payout to 60%

With a 9.8% increase in sales, the Company outperforms the market and gains market share in its leading areas

  • Both the Group’s Ebitda and Operating Profit show significant increases of 47% and 71%, respectively

  • The Board of Directors approves the distribution of a final dividend of 0.227 euros per share for the 2023 financial year, raising the pay out to 60% of net profit


The Prim Group has closed the 2023 financial year with significant gains in its profit and loss account, reaching a 51% year-on-year increase in consolidated net profit which has risen to more than 12.6 million euros.

Income before tax grew by 56.6%, while Operating Profit increased by 71.2%, to reach 16 million euros.

Ebitda rose by almost 47% to 26 million euros, with a substantial improvement in sales from 9% in the 2022 financial year to 12% last year. These items include the surplus value of € 1.7 million corresponding to divestment in the SPA and Wellness area, the value of which was included as an objective in the Group’s Strategic Plan.

The substantial improvement in consolidated profit has led to an increase in shareholder remuneration and in the Company’s pay out. Thus, it was approved at the last meeting by the Board of Directors to propose at the next General Shareholders’ Meeting a final dividend of 0.227 euros per share to be distributed, in addition to the two interim dividends of 0.11 euros each, already allocated for the 2023 financial year.

If the AGM accepts the proposal, Prim will distribute 7.6 million in dividends, which corresponds to a pay-out of 60%, exceeding its pledge to allocate at least half of its annual net profit to shareholders. At current prices, the share dividend yield exceeds 4.4%.


Market-beating sales

Higher profits were made possible due to improved sales, which rose by 9.8% over the previous financial year to 216.5 million euros, and to a clear commercial strategy.

Since implementing the 2021/2025 Strategic Plan, Prim has focused on accelerating growth, both organically and through selective purchases, in order to consolidate its commercial leadership by increasing its market share.  The Company has been achieving this, since during the 2023 financial year, as in the previous year, it has managed to outperform the market and improve its turnover above the average recorded in its leading areas.

During the 2023 financial year, the Group continued to balance the weight of revenue between the two key areas included in its Strategic Plan:  Medical Technologies, on the one hand, and Mobility and Healthcare, on the other.

In the wake of inflation and supply problems worldwide, the Company focused on improving gross margins, which rose from 46.4% to 48.7% in the previous year, and on keeping costs under control, which stood at 38% over sales.


The 2023 financial year has represented a significant step forward in meeting the objectives of the Strategic Plan, the implementation of which has led to the completion of a number of corporate operations such as the acquisition of Herbitas, Teyder, Farma+, Easy Tech and Ortoprono. This has helped to strengthen the business, as well as the divestment of the SPA and Wellness business line.

In the area of processes and structure modernisation, the financial year has been key for the implementation of SAP, a tool that will facilitate the adoption of a digital ecosystem and a data culture, in order to improve the Group’s operational efficiency.

With regard to ESG commitments, the Company has implemented an ESG Master Plan 2023-2025 and has incorporated, for the first time in its history, ESG objectives in the variable salary structure of the members of the Company’s Management Committee and their direct reports.

Furthermore, Prim has joined the United Nations Global Compact, the largest sustainable development initiative, which involves a commitment to align strategic operations with the ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, employment standards, the environment and anti-corruption. In this way, the organisation formally commits to helping to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals through its ESG Master Plan.

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