International Day of Women and Girls in Science

  • 11 February is the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. At PRIM we are proudly part of this mission to inspire and promote the participation of present and future generations of women in Science.

We have invited three PRIM employees to share their experience and vision as professionals within the technology sector, which serves as inspiration to the rest of us, and shows us that anything is possible.


Sara Sánchez-Beato is an Industrial Design Engineer who works in the R+D+i department. Her curiosity from a young age is the main reason that led her to study science. She needed to know why things were the way they were, she wanted to understand it to form it for herself, not just memorise it. This meant that she felt very at home in the world of mathematics, technical drawing and physics.

Likewise, she remembers, “I used to make my own toys with things I found at home or on the street, so it was clear to me that my career should be in something to do with construction, creativity, engineering or design.”

Sara believes that there is nothing in her vision that is different from that of her male counterparts. She believes that women enter the world of work with more humility and a greater willingness to learn and listen, as a result of cultural roots. The representation of women and their role models determines and influences the perception that females form of their abilities. Although these are not innate values, they can be positive when starting a new position, starting a new project or working with a team.

She emphasizes the sisterhood among women, who have come together to help one and other, and this is increasingly seen in our generations.

In relation to the progress she notices today, Sara states that “from day one I have felt that PRIM has been more advanced in this regard in comparison to my other previous employed experiences. I think the fact that our manager is a woman who has all these very clear ideas is very important. Working with her has always been a good way to grow. It has always fostered our independence, growth and proactivity.”

Pilar Soriano works in production at our PRIM Orthopaedic Establishments workshop in Móstoles. She decided to study a degree in Health Sciences to be able to help others improve their quality of life. She decided to be an Orthoprosthetic Technician because her mother is an amputee patient and ger greatest inspiration is “if someone has allowed my mother walk, I can do the same for others”.

In terms of equality, she believes that women can contribute just as much as men. She also has not experienced any differences because she is a woman at work, neither for the benefit or detriment of her work. Pilar underlines the following: “I work in a company that promotes equality and where I feel comfortable working in a team that is mostly men.”


Margarita Izquierdo has been an Orthopaedic Technician for 34 years at our orthopaedic premises in Calle Conde Peñalver, Madrid.

She says that she has had a very positive experience working as a professional in the company’s orthopaedic department. She is able to have direct daily contact with people with disabilities, which is a great source of inspiration and professional and personal motivation for her. She also says that she does not feel that there is any gender gap in the sector (rehabilitation doctors, physiotherapists and occupational therapists).

Finally, Margarita states that “I work in one of the most important companies within the Orthopaedics sector. PRIM has been able to evolve and adapt to all of the market advances and innovations.”

Thanks must go to all three of these women for their generosity and willingness to share their visions of women in #TECH.

At PRIM we believe that it is time to inspire new generations of talent in the technological field. Today and always, we are working for a better society for all of us.


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