PRIM’s Astronaut Dream: a story to make it easier for children who undergo polygraphy sleep studies
Medicine is the great guarantee of our society’s general health, it is synonymous with hope and is the result of the perseverance of those professionals who work day and night to find the formula for life. However, when patients undergo medical tests their pulses usually increase as a result of inner fear and anxiety around the results.
Among young children, nerves arise for other reasons too such as the unknown and the frightening coldness of medical devices or treatments.
With this in mind and with the illusion of creating a fantasy world takes their minds of these things, PRIM’s Astronaut Dream was born, a story written by Beatriz Tena García, in collaboration with Mª Eugenia Acosta Mosquera and Trinidad Modesto López, nurses who are part of the Otorhinolaryngology service at the Virgen Macarena Hospital, Seville. The professional purpose of the story, according to the lead author, “is to reduce the rejection and/or fear that little ones have of undergoing polygraphy sleep studies at night”.

Nurse Beatriz Tena and her colleagues from the ENT Service at the Virgen Macarena Hospital (Seville) with the story ” PRIM’s Astronaut Dream”
As marketers of the medical device in question and as part of our PRIM Social Programme, we have helped and added to the adventure of the astronaut that bears our name with the design, layout, printing and distribution of the first edition of the story. With a shared objective that seeks to improve accessibility to information for the most vulnerable groups and to make these types of procedures more human-minded, a version of the story will be distributed along with colouring pages, crayons, and colouring sets. Waiting rooms, while adults are being explained the treatment, or even just at home, are all perfect places for our brave little ones to colour in and explore the Universe of the Astronaut PRIM.
Through a QR code on the story book and colouring pages, you can access a website where the digital versions of the story and other colouring pages are available, all of which are easily downloadable and printable. During the night, Astronaut PRIM leaves them his dream machine. And our commitment, from thereafter, is to help you to protect them.
For the design and production of the colouring sets, the PRIM Group was supported by the Fundación Juan XXIII, a Special Employment Centre that promotes employment and equal opportunities for people with intellectual disabilities.
You can download the story “PRIM’s Astronaut Dream” and colouring pages below
To find out more about the project or if you would like to have it at your health centre, please email us at
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