Universal Accessibility Policy

Prim S.A. has decided to implement a Universal Accessibility Management System for its centre located at Calle Yolanda González nº15, in line with the UNE 170001-1 and UNE 170001-2 standards as an essential means for all users of our processes and services to exercise their rights of participation.

We know that implementing a Universal Accessibility Policy is the best way to ensure that all people have the same opportunities. To this end, our processes aim to achieve sustainable management and avoid difficulties of any kind that may exclude any of our users or that may pose an obstacle to their development and social participation.

Prim S.A. is fully committed to the development and implementation of its Universal Accessibility Management System and to the continuous improvement of its effectiveness through the communication to the entire organisation of the importance of meeting all Ambulation, Apprehension, Location and Communication (DALCO) requirements and their regulations.

In this regard, Prim S.A. commits to:

  • Comply with current legislation and adopt the DALCO criteria established in the UNE 170001-1 and UNE 170001-2 standards.
  • Continuously improve the effectiveness of the Universal Accessibility management system.
  • Establish methods to measure the degree of satisfaction and universal accessibility needs of all our users with respect to the goods and services we provide.
  • Determine the criteria and procedures needed to ensure that the actions taken are maintained and effective.
  • Provide a framework for establishing and revising the goals of Universal Accessibility.


Fernando Oliveros Arreaga

Managing Director

Helena Borrás Cases,
Talent and Organisation Director

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