PRIM and AURA Innovative Robotics Join Forces to Revolutionise the Early Diagnosis of Neurological Diseases

According to data from the Spanish Society of Neurology (SEN), neurological diseases affect more than 7 million people in Spain. Their early diagnosis is essential to improve the prognosis and quality of life for patients and to provide them with the appropriate care. However, these diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), usually develop gradually, making them difficult to detect in the early stages.

Aware of this, at PRIM we have opted to promote and be part of new early diagnosis methods through a 20% capital investment made into Aura Innovative Robotics, a technology startup focusing on the detection of Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases through its Artificial Intelligence based platform, something which is revolutionary in the sector.

Great benefits for healthcare professionals and society

At PRIM we have been dedicated to the manufacture and marketing of health products for medical centres and professionals for 153 years, aligned to the company’s vision of improving people’s lives and providing solutions to real problems, such as those posed by neurodegenerative diseases. These objectives are laid out in full in PRIM’s 2021/2025 Strategic Plan, which includes three clear lines of action:

  • Increased leadership
  • Expanded market presence
  • Innovate with solutions that offer people more value.

Aura Innovative Robotics is behind these innovative solutions when it comes to the early diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases, thanks to its development of a powerful detection technology which analyses eye movements. PRIM is launching this technology on to the market with full confidence of the multiple benefits that this acquisition can contribute to healthcare professionals and to society as a whole.

What benefits are there from the collaboration between Aura Innovative Robotics and PRIM?

PRIM’s significant investment into Aura Innovative Robotics will offer some key advantages, not only at a strategic and competitive level that adds value to the business, but also by having a direct impact on patients. These benefits include:

  • Providing the population with a new, more efficient and cost-effective method for the detection of not only Alzheimer’s, but also other diseases or disorders such as Parkinson’s, hepatic encephalopathy and frontotemporal dementia. It is a non-invasive, short test that analyses and collects data.
  • A considerable reduction in diagnosis time and false negatives from the diagnoses, thanks to its sensitivity and a social commitment to promote a better quality of life for patients.
  • Cost saving in diagnostics, as the entire diagnostic system can be operated by technicians, not requiring specialist personnel.
  • Creating synergies with health professionals for diagnosis optimisation. A key strength of Aura Innovative Robotics is its close partnerships with medical professionals, whose clinical influence is a fundamental part of its technological drive and utility.

A need to invest in pioneering technology for the detection of neurological problems

Most of us know that the human brain is the most complex yet also most obscure organ. The causes and behaviour of neurodegenerative diseases continue to be a challenge for science, hence the importance of new diagnostic mechanisms. Neurotechnology is one of the most effective and innovative disciplines which can be combined with diagnostic methods for the detection of nervous system diseases, such as imaging tests like PET-CT or cerebrospinal fluid puncture (CSF).

PRIM, focused on a continuous commitment to innovation within the healthcare sector

The acquisition of Aura Innovative Robotics is just a part of PRIM’s strong commitment to innovation within the healthcare sector, which has been at the heart of the company’s operations since its beginning.

Throughout 2022 and 2023, the innovation of the company, which is the essence of the company’s 2021/2025 Strategic Plan, has led to a commitment being made which is based on four pillars: Robotics, 3D Printing, Digitalization/Telemedicine, and Artificial Intelligence. This has resulted in the implementation of nine projects, including the noteworthy alliance with Aura Innovative Robotics.

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