PRIM calculates its carbon footprint

PRIM S.A. and Establecimientos Ortopédicos PRIM S.A. (PRIM Establecimientos Ortopédicos) have finished calculating their carbon footprint in line with UNE-ISO 14064:2012, which measures the emission of greenhouse gases associated with the activities performed at their facilities.

This calculation process, which has been externally audited under the leadership of the firm Cámara Certifica, states that the value of the direct and indirect emissions from PRIM, S.A. at its headquarters and factory, located in Móstoles, as well as at its facilities in Toledo, is 747.09 t CO2 eq. For its part, PRIM Establecimientos Ortopédicos has an annual emission of 59.95 t CO2 eq. as a result of its activity at its installations in Móstoles and at its Conde de Peñalver Orthopaedic Clinic in Madrid, the flagship of its activity within the Orthopaedic sector.

The main purpose for the quantifying of its Scope 1 and 2 carbon footprint is to identify the main areas of action and the implementation of measures to comply with the strategic objective set out by the company as part of its commitment to reduce the environmental impact caused by its activity.

This milestone further adds to the organisation’s efforts to integrate environmental responsibility into its corporate strategy, endorsed by the ISO 14001:2015 certification since 2017. In accordance with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and especially with SDG 13 Climate Action, its initiatives include the promotion of energy consumption from renewable sources and the digitalisation of invoicing, expenses and payment management processes. This has led to a reduction of more than 122,000 sheets of paper being used in 2021, as well reduced ink, electricity and transport-related consumption.

PRIM has also implemented actions to actively offset its CO2 emissions with the creation of the PRIM forest in the last quarter of the year. This involves the planting of over 700 trees in public spaces which, over the course of their lifespan, are expected to offset the emission of 136.41 tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere.

“This certification confirms the efforts being made by the PRIM Group to create more awareness about its environmental impact. Quantifying and verifying our activity’s carbon footprint will allow us to take the next steps to reduce and offset the environmental impact of our organisation. At PRIM we are committed to improving people’s lives and that inherently involves protecting the environment,” said Inmaculada Juárez Villamor, Regulatory, Quality and Environmental Director at PRIM.

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