
The presence of women on PRIM’s Board of Directors surpasses the CNMV’s parity targets set for 2022

The presence of women on Prim’s Board of Directors has risen significantly in recent years, from a percentage of 14% in 2019 to 44% now. This participation means that the Company is among 10 of the listed companies that are surpassing the new parity targets established by the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) for the upcoming year 2022. The target is to have a presence of at least 40% of women on Boards of Directors.

Prim was one of the first Spanish companies to amend its bylaws and internal regulations to be aligned with the new recommendations and rules of the Code of Good Governance for Listed Companies, in its June 2020 version.

When it comes to equality, based on the Report on Women Directors prepared by the IESE Business School and the consulting firm Atrevia, Prim holds the fifth position in the ranking of listed companies with the highest percentage of women in senior management roles. In comparison, the 44% of women on Prim’s Board of Directors is above the average for Ibex 35 companies, which is 31.2%, with the average being 25.78% for companies on the continuous market.

The percentage of women on Prim’s Board of Directors is yet another example of the Group’s firm commitment to having an effective equal opportunities programme, which also embodies policies for the work-life balance and the professional, personal and social development of individuals. These favourable equality actions have earned the Group the EFR seal meaning it is recognised as a Family-Responsible Company, which it was awarded in 2020. The EFR certificate is granted by the Fundación Másfamilia and is supported by the Ministry of Health, Consumer Affairs and Social Welfare. The initiative has been recognised as a “good practice” by the United Nations.

Prim currently has a 12-member Equality Commission in place who monitor the initiatives implemented within the Equality Plan II framework, established for the 2017-2021 period. Last year, the Company submitted its equality plan to an external evaluation to determine the degree of compliance with the programme. The analysis showed significant progress in terms of pay (83%), harassment prevention (94%) and occupational health (83%), among others. In January 2022, the Group will implement the Equality Plan III with the aim to continue improving on aspects related to work-life balance, promotion, employment access and training.

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