Executive Summary 2022

Executive Summary of the Sustainability Report 2022

2 02 Get to know our business model 03 Our team 04 Commitment to society 05 Environmental Responsibility 01 PRIM Culture PRIM 2022 / EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Lucía Comenge. Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of Prim, S.A. “ESG policies help to generate shared, sustainable value and already form part of a Master Plan with a 2025 horizon driven by the Company’s most senior governing body”. Fernando Oliveros. Chief Executive Officer at PRIM. “In 2022, we continued to grow, outperforming the market by focusing our strategy and commercial investment squarely on key businesses, allowing us to continue gaining market share“.

3 PRIM 2022 / EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 02 Get to know our business model 03 Our team 04 Commitment to society 05 Environmental Responsibility 01 PRIM Culture Scan the QR above to access the full PRIM 2022 Sustainability Report.

PRIM 2022 / EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4 02 Get to know our business model 03 Our team 04 Commitment to society 05 Environmental Responsibility 01 PRIM Culture 01PRIM Culture 01.1 Our Culture 01.2 Certifications obtained by the PRIM Group

5 PRIM 2022 / EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 02 Get to know our business model 03 Our team 04 Commitment to society 05 Environmental Responsibility 01 PRIM Culture The FENIN Code of Ethics Mission To offer first-class solutions and services that improve quality of life Values Integrity Quality Respect Commitment Transparency Innovation Teamwork Desirable behaviours OUR CULTURE Management model based on 5 key areas: Listening Envision Involvement Support Recognition Speaking frankly Working towards a greater good Being bold and disruptive Doing things properly We improve people’s lives Vision Corporate policies PRIM Group Code of Ethics

PRIM 2022 / EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 6 02 Get to know our business model 03 Our team 04 Commitment to society 05 Environmental Responsibility 01 PRIM Culture Certifications obtained by the PRIM Group Prim, S.A. ISO 13485 approved – Quality Management Systems for Medical Devices ISO 14001 approved – Environmental Management Systems Family -Responsible Company certificate (efr) UNE 1700012 approved – Universal Accessibility ISO 45001 approved – Occupational Health and Safety Carbon Footprint according to UNE-EN ISO 14064: 2012 Establecimientos Ortopédicos Prim, S.A. ISO 9001 approved – Quality Management Systems ISO 14001 approved – Environmental Management Systems Family Responsible Company certificate (efr) UNE 170001-2 approved – Universal Accessibility Carbon Footprint according to UNEEN ISO 14064: 2012 ISO 9001 approved – Quality Management Systems ISO 13485 certification – Quality Management Systems for Medical Devices ISO 14001 approved – Environmental Management Systems Teyder, S.L. ISO 9001 approved – Quality Management Systems Laboratorios Herbitas, S.L. Organización de Servicios Ortopédicos Totales, S.L ISO 9001 approved – Quality Management Systems

7 PRIM 2022 / EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 02 Get to know our business model 03 Our team 04 Commitment to society 05 Environmental Responsibility 01 PRIM Culture Get to know our business model 02.1 Main business activity figures 02.2 Portfolio of products and services based on innovation 02.3 At the service of customers 02.4 Responsible supply chain management 02

PRIM 2022 / EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 8 02 Get to know our business model 03 Our team 04 Commitment to society 05 Environmental Responsibility 01 PRIM Culture SALES 15 business divisions €197 M turnover €17.7 M EBITDA NEW COMPANIES BUSINESS launch of the new hyperextension frame INNOVATION €11.5 M tax contribution €8.4 M net operating income 12 orthopaedic centres 5 company-owned manufacturing plants 2 custom manufacturing workshops 2 +B2B online shops 3 new companies: Herbitas, Teyder, EasyTech head office and operational headquarters 8 offices in Spain 3 international subsidiaries 98 countries in the international network 20 % of Spanish start-up Aura Robotics Market expansion: • podiatry • motorised mobility Permanent geographical expansion: • Italy Increase in production capacity: • physiotherapy products • manufacturing plant orthotics and podiatry products manufacturing plant • textile orthotics workshop In partnership: • robotics • remote rehabilitation 9 new in-house development projects

9 PRIM 2022 / EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 02 Get to know our business model 03 Our team 04 Commitment to society 05 Environmental Responsibility 01 PRIM Culture Headquarters Social Office Operational office Ave. del Llano Castellano, 43 28034 Madrid, Spain St.Yolanda González, 15 Pol. Ind. Nº 1 28938 Móstoles - Madrid, Spain C. Labastida Avd. del Llano Castellano C. de Villafruela PRIM PRIM C. Yolanda González C. Marcelino Camacho C. Moraleja de Enmedio PRIM Fábrica Textil Manufacturing plants and workshops 5 Manufacturing plants • Toledo • Madrid • Barcelona • Valencia • Florencia Offices and subsidiaries 8 Regional offices • Galicia • Balearic Islands • Catalonia • Andalusia • Basque Country • Community of Valencia • Canary Islands • Community of Madrid 2 Workshops 2 manufacturing workshops for bespoke products, located in A Coruña and Madrid 3 International subsidiaries • Italy • México • Portugal Sales presence 12 Orthopaedic establishments • 4 A Coruña • 1 Ourense • 1 Vigo 98 Countries Sales in 98 countries • 4 Madrid • 1 Toledo • 1 Granada Online shops • Physio Online shop • Pharma Online shop WORLDWIDE SCOPE

PRIM 2022 / EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 10 02 Get to know our business model 03 Our team 04 Commitment to society 05 Environmental Responsibility 01 PRIM Culture Portfolio of products and services based on innovation Physio Mobility and Healthcare Medical Technologies The company manages the quality of its products and services through a continuous improvement model endorsed by the ISO 13485 quality management standard for medical devices and, in the orthopaedic centres, by ISO 9001, both before and after product delivery. PRIM’s products are backed up by individualised technical advice and, in particularly complex areas, ongoing assistance to healthcare professionals to ensure the safety of patients, doctors and other medical professionals during the intervention and subsequent treatment with our products. This provision of technical advice continues after the products have been sold, through PRIM’s commercial network and technical after-sales service. Pharma Orthopedic Establishments Neurosurgery Neuromodulation Endo-surgery ENT Spine Orthopaedics Biological products and intervention solutions Robotics Podiatry Cardiovascular and interventional radiology Operating Rooms Plastic Surgery

11 PRIM 2022 / EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 02 Get to know our business model 03 Our team 04 Commitment to society 05 Environmental Responsibility 01 PRIM Culture Spine • Duraplasties. • Ultrasonic aspirators. • Neuromonitoring systems. • Hydrocephalus shunt valves and external drainage systems. • Bipolar generators and clamps. • Cranial stabilisation systems. • High-speed neurosurgical motors. • Instruments for brain and spinal microsurgery. Neurosurgery Robotics Biological products and intervention solutions Endosurgery • Occipito-cervical and transpedicular vertebral fixation systems. • Intersomatic cervical, thoracolumbar and disc prosthesis devices. • Devices for the replacement of vertebral bodies. • Interspinous devices. • Robotic navigation systems. • Minimally invasive vertebral fracture VCF. • Ultra minimally invasive spinalendoscopy. • Human origin osteoinductors and allografts. • Synthetic biological osteoconductors. • Anti-adhesive and anti-fibrotic barriers. • Vertebral filler materials. • Treatment of acute ischaemic cerebrovascular events (Stroke). • Treatment of cerebral arteriovenous malformations. • Personalised Robotic Precision Medicine. • Smart continuous-flow insufflator. • 6K laparoscopy equipment. • Ultrasonic aspirators. • Disposable trocars. • Disposable and reusable laparoscopic dissectors and forceps. • Laparoscopic irrigation/ aspiration and mechanical suturing. Neuromodulation ENT Operating Rooms Cardiovascular and interventional radiology • Chemical neuromodulation. • Radiofrequency equipment. • Subcutaneous electrical stimulation. • Epidurolysis and RF catheter. • Basic epidurolysis catheter. • Disposable shortwave stimulator. • Otology and endoscopic surgery motors. • Auditory and AOS diagnostic equipment. • AOS treatment implant. • Tubal dilation system. • Middle ear implants. • Surgical smoke evacuators. • Drains and reservoirs. • Electrosurgery. • Surgical separators. • Macerators. • Angioplasty balloons • Coronary stents. • Drug-eluting balloons for coronary arteries. • Cutting balloon. • Peripheral stents. • Peripheral balloons with and without drugs. • Vascular prostheses Plastic Surgery • Dermal substitutes. • Dermatomes and meshers. • MEEK skin mesher (latest generation for extensive burns). • Nerve regenerators. • Biological matrices. • Negative pressure therapy, including instillation. • Nerve stimulators Medical Technologies Main products and services

PRIM 2022 / EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 12 02 Get to know our business model 03 Our team 04 Commitment to society 05 Environmental Responsibility 01 PRIM Culture • Standard and bespoke prostheses and orthoses. • Special prostheses: myoelectric, smart, etc. • Pressotherapy, post-mastectomy and burns products. • Personalised adaptation of technical aids. • Anti-decubitus and positioning products. • In-house technical service. Orthopaedic Establishments • Orthotics (upper and lower limbs, trunk, neck, etc.). • Prosthetics for upper and lower limbs. • Mastectomy. • Technical aids and mobility solutions. • Bespoke manufacturing service. • Electrical technical aids. • Manual technical aids. • Range of specialist orthoses for sports/work. • Comprehensive range of orthoses for children. Powered Orthopaedics and Mobility Mobility and Healthcare Main products and services • Orthotics. • Podiatry. • Technical aids. • OTC. • Medical devices. • Cosmetics. • Dietary supplements. • Accessories. • Diagnostic and treatment apparatus. • 3D printers. • Customised insoles. • Pressure platforms. • Podiatric silicones. • Podiatric instruments. Pharma Podiatry • Ultrasound. • Invasive Physiotherapy. • Diathermy. • Hyperthermia. • High-Intensity Magnetotherapy. • Shock Waves. • High-Intensity Laser. • Thermography. • Remote rehabilitation. Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Manufacturing facilities • Orthotics. • Podiatry. • OTC. • Range of anti-COVID products. Custom orthopaedic workshop • Standard and bespoke prostheses and orthoses. • Special prostheses: • myoelectric, smart, etc. • Personalised adaptation of technical aids. Manufacturing facilities and workshops for bespoke orthopaedic products

13 PRIM 2022 / EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 02 Get to know our business model 03 Our team 04 Commitment to society 05 Environmental Responsibility 01 PRIM Culture Technical after-sales servic • Customer service, advice and technical support. • Service contracts designed to meet the needs of the sector and the life cycle of the products. • Assembly and commissioning of equipment. • Supply of spare parts. • Technical assistance for the maintenance and repair of medical devices. • Technical assistance for maintenance and repairs at spas and wellness centres. PRIM’s warehousing, logistics and distribution network operates according to the same service criteria as the commercial network: in-depth customer knowledge and personalised products and services delivered by the highly specialised teams in its logistics network. The company’s invoicing system and capacity to supply products immediately allow it to respond to each customer’s individual needs while offering an integrated management model. Our efficient delivery times have allowed us to position ourselves as a leading and strategic supplier in all of our areas of medical specialisation. Technical after-sales service Main services In-house logistics and distribution Warehousing, logistics and distribution network Main products and services

PRIM 2022 / EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 14 02 Get to know our business model 03 Our team 04 Commitment to society 05 Environmental Responsibility 01 PRIM Culture Specialised sales network for each division Customer service centre for each division Digitally connected • Online consultancy space • Online shops • 6 corporate websites • Specialist blogs • Social networks 289 people 78 people At the service of customers The customer service philosophy that the company has built into its business model entails having systems in place to ensure the availability of diverse communication channels and a specialised team of people ready to provide an immediate response. PRIM is responsible for protecting the confidentiality of information and ensuring its security in response to the trust that its customers and employees place in the organisation. Given the sensitive nature of the information involved, the company operates computer systems that guarantee a secure flow of information, both within the organisation and in virtual interactions with third parties. Responsible supply chain management 3,447 providers and suppliers in 2022 Raw material manufacturers Suppliers of medical devices Service providers Manufacturers of nonhealth products Supplier selection and contracting processes are objective and rigorous. Through its certified quality management system, the company seeks to ensure that the supply chain meets the strictest quality standards. Furthermore, at PRIM, we view the protection of human rights, ethics and social responsibility from a perspective of shared responsibility, which extends throughout the value chain. To ensure proper management, the company adopts a cooperative approach in which each supplier implements reasonable and appropriate measures within their area of influence and exchanges information to enable the early detection of any impacts that may need to be mitigated. Percentage of local suppliers Percentage by volume of purchases PRIM/EOP 86% 56% PHARMA+ 89% 63% HERBITAS 80% 76% TEYDER 88% 27%

15 PRIM 2022 / EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 02 Get to know our business model 03 Our team 04 Commitment to society 05 Environmental Responsibility 01 PRIM Culture Our team 03

PRIM 2022 / EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 16 02 Get to know our business model 03 Our team 04 Commitment to society 05 Environmental Responsibility 01 PRIM Culture Our team 6% ≤ 30 years old 60% 31 – 50 years old 34% ≥ 51 years old The construction of PRIM’s people management model is closely linked to its mission and vision. The company is intensifying its efforts to ensure that the culture that permeates the organisation also cares for and supports the lives of the people who constitute PRIM. And caring is also about motivating; it is about creating spaces of mutual commitment in which respect and continuous improvement serve as a basis for an honest and creative dialogue that leads to the quality of the service offered to customers and internal collaborators. PRIM has tools that guarantee responsible health and safety management, improve the processes that ensure equal opportunities and promote the professional and personal development of its internal collaborators. ISO 170001 Universal accessibility Family Responsible Company Certificate III Equality Plan ISO 45001 Health and Safety 2% in México 92% in Spain 4% in Portugal 2% in Italy 805 people 45% 55% 6% Senior management 7% Middle management 38% Specialist collaborators 27% Qualified collaborators 22% Production collaborators and operators

17 PRIM 2022 / EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 02 Get to know our business model 03 Our team 04 Commitment to society 05 Environmental Responsibility 01 PRIM Culture Commitment to society 04 04.1 ESG Plan 2023 - 2025 04.2 Social contribution areas

PRIM 2022 / EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 18 02 Get to know our business model 03 Our team 04 Commitment to society 05 Environmental Responsibility 01 PRIM Culture ESG PLAN 2023 - 2025 Plan ESG 2023 - 2025 The organisation has taken a step forward in its environmental, social and governance (ESG) management by devising its first 2023 - 2025 ESG Plan, whose objectives will be added to the 2021 – 2025 Strategic Plan from 2023. The primary purpose of the ESG Plan is to incorporate non-financial objectives into the organisation’s corporate strategy that contribute to understanding and satisfying the needs of all its stakeholders: to provide tangible and intangible value that is reflected in its economic results, to maximise its positive influence on society and to minimise the environmental footprint that PRIM, as a company, leaves in its wake. 5 PILLARS 14 OBJECTIVES 24 LINES OF ACTION 68 ACTIONS Commitment to society Good governance and positioning People and value Solutions with social impact Environmental criteria 5 Pillars of the 2023-2025 ESG Plan

19 PRIM 2022 / EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 02 Get to know our business model 03 Our team 04 Commitment to society 05 Environmental Responsibility 01 PRIM Culture Social contribution areas Actions aimed at contributing to health progress Humanisation of health PRIM Social programme Support for research Launching of the PrimAcademy 360 knowledge and space Create a forum where the clinical and technical knowledge of professionals in the sector can be shared and generate a 360 technical training environment. Line of action aimed at promoting initiatives to improve patient accessibility to information and to promote well-being at all stages of treatment. Support for the work of social organisations that contribute to humanitarian development in the areas of health, equal opportunities for disabled people, and projects aimed at caring for older people. During the 2022 financial year, PRIM participated in 19 social projects and made donations with a market value of approximately 296,219 euros. Prim Academy Expert committees and dissemination forums Support for training

PRIM 2022 / REXECUTIVE SUMMARY 20 02 Get to know our business model 03 Our team 04 Commitment to society 05 Environmental Responsibility 01 PRIM Culture Environmental Responsibility 05 05.1 Key environmental data

21 PRIM 2022 / EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 02 Get to know our business model 03 Our team 04 Commitment to society 05 Environmental Responsibility 01 PRIM Culture Percentage of certified activities in 2022 98% 97% 92% Quality certifications ISO 13485 ISO 9001 Environmental certification ISO 14001 Carbon Footprint Certification ISO 14064 Environmental responsibility Key environmental data The textile orthotics product line, MYPRIM Kids, and the seamless podiatry product line, Comforsil, have been awarded the OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 certificate for textiles that care for people and the planet. This eco-label guarantees that every fabric, button, thread and all the other accessories of the certified textile products have been tested for more than three hundred substances that are harmful to health and the environment. Eco-label The new product packaging solutions launched in 2022 are comprised of 65% paper or cardboard and 35% plastic. Packaging • Electronic signature of documents. • Digital invoicing. • Digital settlement of expenses. Digitalisation of daily processes We strive to incorporate more sustainable solutions 44% green electricity consumption 6.507m3 of water consumed 1.944 t CO2 scope 1 emissions 365 t CO2 scope 2 emissions

PRIM 2022 / EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Contact Details for The PRIM GROUP Prim, S.A. e-mail: info@prim.es Tel. : (+34) 913 342 400 www.prim.es company/grupoprim/ @grupoprim Follow us on our YouTube channel PRIM CARDIOVASCULAR AND INTERVENTIONAL RADIOLOGY e-mail: cardio@prim.es Tel.: (+34) 913 342 441 www.prim.es company/primcardio PRIM NEUROMODULATION e-mail: neuromodulacion@prim.es Tel.: (+34) 913 342 413 www.prim.es company/prim-neuromodulacion @primneuromod PRIM ENT e-mail: orl@prim.es Tel.: (+34) 913 342 441 www.prim.es PRIM ENDOSURGERY e-mail: endocirugia@prim.es Tel.: (+34) 913 342 475 www.prim.es company/primendocirugia/ @primendocirugia PRIM INTERNATIONAL e-mail: export@prim.es Tel.: (+34) 913 342 532 www.prim.es https://international.prim.es PRIM OPERATING ROOMS e-mail: quirofano@prim.es Tel.: (+34) 913 342 413 www.prim.es PRIM NEUROTRAUMA e-mail: neurotrauma@prim.es Tel.: (+34) 913 342 412 www.prim.es PRIM PHARMA e-mail: info.primfarma@prim.es Tel.: 902 090 371 www.prim.es www.primfarma.es PRIM ORTHOPAEDIC e-mail: prim.ortopedia@prim.es Tel.:(+34) 913 342 580 www.prim.es www.primortopedia.es PRIM PHYSIO e-mail: info.fisioterapia@prim.es Tel.: (+34) 913 342 586 www.prim.es www.primphysio.es @primfisio PRIM PLASTIC SURGERY e-mail: plastica@prim.es Tel.: (+34) 913 342 413 www.prim.es

2022 / EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Araujo Maia & Sousa Dias, Lda. EasyTech, S.r.L. PRIM PRODUTOS DE SAÚDE e-mail: info.fisioterapia@prim.es Tel.: (+351) 218 429 330 Tel.: (+351) 218 429 331 www.prim.es www.primphysio.es Prim Produtos de Saúde Unipessoal, Lda. Organización de Servicios Ortopédicos Totales, S.L Laboratorios Herbitas, S.L. Teyder, S.L. PRIM ESTABLECIMIENTOS ORTOPÉDICOS e-mail: info.eop@prim.es Tel.: (+34) 914 011 100 www.primclinicasortopedicas.es @ortopediasprim Establecimientos Ortopédicos Prim, S.A. Contact Details for The PRIM GROUP EASYTECH e-mail: marketing@easytechitalia.com Tel.: (+39) 055 845 52 16 www.easytechitalia.com/ @easytechitalia @easytechFisio HERBITAS e-mail: herbitas@herbitas.com Tel.: (+34) 963 627 900 www.herbitas.com @herbitasoficial ORTOPRONO e-mail: ortoprono@ortoprono.es Tel.: (+34) 963 530 309 www.ortoprono.es @ortoprono FARMA+ e-mail: encomendas@farmamais.pt Tel.: (+351) 252 374 387 www.farmamais.pt @farma.mais TEYDER e-mail: teyder@teyder.com Tel.: (+34) 933 819 011 www.teyder.com @teyder.products @teyder_ortho @teyder

24 02 Get to know our business model 03 Our team 04 Commitment to society 05 Environmental Responsibility 01 PRIM Culture PRIM 2022 / EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PRIM Head Office Ave. del Llano Castellano, 43 Planta 3 28034 Madrid PRIM Operational Office St. Yolanda González, 15 Pol. Ind. Nº. 1 28938 Móstoles - Madrid company/grupoprim/ @grupoprim CONTACT DETAILS FOR COMPLIANCE AND ESG:: cumplimientoyesg@prim.es