Prim - Ehics Code for PRIM suppliers 2023

SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 6 PRIM PRIM strives to contribute to the sustainable progress of its surroundings and provides control mechanisms for the protection of human rights, fair pay, health and safety, and equal opportunities. Furthermore, as a Family Responsible Company, it believes in diversity as a source of wealth and in the balanced development of the professional and personal lives of its collaborators. This commitment applies to all its activities as an organisation, and consequently, it expects the same commitment to social responsibility from its suppliers. Fair working conditions and safe spaces PRIM expects its suppliers to be committed to consistently providing quality employment, with fair remuneration, carried out in safe and healthy environments that promote the richness of diversity and pursue equal opportunities. Similarly, PRIM expects its suppliers to respect, as provided for in local laws, the right to union membership and freedom of association, as well as the recognition of the right to collective bargaining. PRIM rejects and prohibits any form of forced or coerced labour, child labour or any discriminatory practice on the grounds of race, colour, religion, nationality, social origin, age, sexual orientation, gender, marital status, ideology, political opinion, or any other physical, personal or social trait or condition unrelated to the work they undertake. PRIM suppliers must categorically reject and eradicate any manifestation of physical, sexual, psychological or moral harassment, abuse of authority, or any other type of conduct that may create an intimidating, hostile, humiliating or offensive environment or one that is detrimental to the rights or dignity of individuals. Suppliers must also have adequate measures in place to ensure health and safety in the workplace and protect their workers from chemical, biological and physical hazards, identifying and mitigating risks to prevent occupational accidents and diseases. They also undertake to comply with current health and safety legislation and provide the protective measures appropriate to the nature of their jobs, in addition to establishing controls to ensure compliance with these measures. Any health and safety hazards that may affect PRIM and any work practices that contravene the contents of the Code should be reported to PRIM. 01 Social Responsibility 6 Human Rights Like PRIM, suppliers must have scrupulous respect for people’s rights, taking the United Nations declarations on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption as a reference and adopting the Ten Principles of the Global Compact and the UN International Bill of Human Rights as their own. Furthermore, PRIM supports the Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises, the Social Policy of the International Labour Office and the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (“Protect, Respect and Remedy”) and takes into consideration the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the principles and rights set out in the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and its conventions, and expects the same from its suppliers. 02